Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back in business... or trying to...

Hmmm... weird that, after all this time, i remember i have a blog. Vacation can do this to people i gess. I'm in vacation for like 4 months now, and i don't do shit. Well, i do play WoW, and go out, and get drunk and stuff. But i gess it might be time to start catching up on some stuff... like this shit... Soooo, what can i talk about, i don't want to start bashing guild ppl right away, and i don't want to promisse any posts since i probably won't be able to make many, since next week i will be away from home even. Ha well, let me post some Naxxramas pictures. Yeahhh, Naxxramas, i finnally seen the whole thing, killed Saphiron and Kel'thuzad and all! Next step, to see Illidan! I wont really get mad if i don't get to kill him because i don't actually have anything against him, i mean, he did helped to save Azeroth, and what did the Elven ppl did? They arested him for milleniums... Elven ppl is just to stupid. They probably tought that when Illidan would be free, he would be all nice and helpfull. And ppl still say that Elves are wise? U locked a guy with fiery eyes away for that whole time, and u expected him to turn out a elven fan? OFc he joined the Blood elfs and the Nagas. And well he did... Locking a war hero for all that time... stupid elvish ppl...
I never had been in Naxx before, so i took some pictures of stuff i found really nice, like this huge spidy!

These i wanted to see since my old Naxx times with OoSF the 4 Horseman! This fight have to be insanely good, and hard at lvl 60, with all the swiching and stuff.

I found Saphiron a bit easyer than i was expecting, the fight is so simple, is like a huge Shade of Aran mixed with Sethekk last boss, is rly easy to stay alive... well... for some ppl at least...

And here it is... the new king of naxxramas, me!

If i ever go back, i need to remember of SS Thadius, the fight is just soooo funny, expecially his adds. Ha well, this was a rly fun run, have to thank Sjerek for the nice invite, and Spitlass for all the raid work. It's a lvl 60 instance, but still takes like 4 hours to run with a pug, and tbh, a 40 man lvl 70 raid can still wipe there. We did.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Report nr 1

Well, i am leaving nespereira (the place where i was working untill 3 hours ago) sunday after lunch. I just had my 1st godbye party, with my coworkers. I'm a bit touched, but i am not wasted yet. Going to reserve the restaurant for tomorrows dinner now, and make some time untill my boss calls. (he want to make some kind of goodbye on his own, and my coworker architect). So i believe i'm going to make some time at the restaurant, that i am going to reserve... Cya in time of second report!

over and out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What? Who?

And so the new week started. Or at least the WoW new week, my new week started like 2 weeks ago, but never mind that, the important thing is the "WoW week" what else could be more important than that, we need some Killing ppl! Yarr! Lets do some killing!

This was one of those weeks i felt proud of my guild. We 1 shoted bosses, we 2 shotted bosses, we shattered trash, we almost completed MH. In 1 week, we did 7 new kills, and that is something to be proud of, since we raid about 2h30-3h per day, and we have 2 free days, So that is actually 7 bosses in 5 days!

On tuesday, we went for Akama, and as i predicted, he died:

We just weren't expecting him to die so fast, so we actually got embarassed about what to do next, and so we went to test our skills with Azgalor in MH. We ended killing him at the 2nd try.

And i got T6! I has gloves! And they are soooo insanelly good. Tuesday i made my 2 new JC trinkets and got T6 gloves, plus i got all the designs from MH and 2 designs that droped... They should come for free, since i'm the only JC raiding atm but... bleh, i dont care. That's a bunch of new epixx for meeee!

We went back into Hyjal yesterday and we killed 3 bosses. Not bad since we started last week with it, tonight is Azgalor + BT! I am finnally going to get my Runeshield!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Readers? Really?

I noticed on a comment today that i might actually have readers on this thingie...

If you are a reader, ask yourself why are you reading this. If you manage to find a good answer, divide it by 2, choose the first part of your answer sentence, and add ",because i'm somehow amazed by your incredible speech!", now you must have something like "I am reading this, because i am somehow amazed by your incredible speech!" Good, now that allows me not to call you an idiot and stuff like that, because you gave me some credit!

Did i ever mentioned that i changed BS for JC? Yeah, i'm going very crazy with this trade, by going crazy i rly mean crazy... How crazy? Well, i surprise myself logging in without noticing, just to check my auctions and recut some gems. Crazy? Nah... they are Shinny! Brilliant! Gleaming! They are of different sizes and colors, they are! They are! THEY ARE! Well, they are something, that i can tell you. I'm allways glued to the AH these days... buy, sell, cut, ask for fees... Bleh, heroics? Wtf is that? I'm cuting gems dude! Yeah, i don't know how i got this adicted to it.

In other news, only 1 more kill and we cleaned all the trash from MH/BT, and will start going for real bosses, here is the 1st one in BT, took us like 3 tries to kill him, and me going in Healing gear!

Supremus disapointed me a bit... i mean... we 1 shoted the dude, the elementals gave us more trouble than him...

Today is Akama day, and then... Then the wipe fest days will be back! Well, i been watching Gorefiend battle and it seems fun, maybe our Raid Leaders decide to go there first... or after Azgalor maybe... We will see, But Akama, if you are one of the readers above mentioned, your shade dies tonight.

Monday, March 31, 2008

2.4 Wonders!

2.4 camed out like 1 week ago, yeap, looks almost like a new Xpac! New areas, new instances, new quests, and a bunch of idiot ppl asking everything on general Chat! U ever eard about internet? U ever eard about Google? U ever eard about suicide? I mean, every single minute, every day, since 2.4 arrived, general chats are constantly spammed with questions like, "How do i get to the new area?" or "Where is the new instance?". I have my own game to play you idiot, just hire someone to play for you. I can explain how idiot this can be:

- [I'm Lazy]:How do i get to the Hellfire peninsula quest giver?
- [Turinbar]: Ever eard of flight paths?

Stupid questions require stupid answers. But this one, wont consider himself beaten, ho no... 3 mins l8r i get a pm:

- [I'm Lazy]: You must be dull! the correct answer was the Portal!
- [Turinbar]: Well, then try it that way, and tell me how u did it afterwards.

Then, I had to play the stupid, ofc, i wouldnt't stop here, i had to explain him how idiot he realy was, so i did a /who and notices he was still in the island.

- [Turinbar]: So? You haven't took the portal yet? Is right over there, you must be dull!
- [I'm Lazy]: You are obviously an immature person, so have a nice day.
- [Turinbar]: By that you mean that i was obviously right?
You are beeing Ignored by I'm Lazy

I usually try to show people that they are damn idiots on more simple stupid questions, like:

- [Idiot 1]: Where is the new badge vendor?
- [Turinbar]: In Tanaris.

- [Idiot 2]: Can we buy gems for badges yet?
- [Turinbar] Yes, in Tanaris.

- [Idiot 3]: How do i get trough the new area?
- [Turinbar]: Trough Tanaris.

Maybe they will actually go to Tanaris, theres no trade channel in Tanaris, maybe i get 1 min of rest while in a major city, maybe they all log out while getting to Tanaris, maybe they learn how to use google when they see theres noone selling badge gear in Tanaris. Yeah. Maybe Santa is real.
And yeah, the Hippies are on the move again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yeah well...

Although we attuned the old school way, we could only go MH yesterday cause of many ppl "not feeling like" doing a proper attunement...

First MH loot was Hammer of Judgement, to me. The we killed this asshole and took anetheron to 70%. He should have died, but ho well.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunny Day

Yesterday was a very sunny day! So there i went! Picked up my orange suitcase (the one that holds my pentax inside), and off to the field! I did the work as fast as i could so i got back running for my forums and stuff that noone rly cares about, and what do i understand today? That i'm gona have to work all the f***ing morning because of this crap. So ofc, i start by slacking, watching the forums, check my AH sales, stuff like that and the work stays there, over the table, 15cm at the side of my left hand, watching, waiting, moaning, looking around, playing with the water cup, wondering why is there a pencil in my desk if i never use it. Good thing is, public workers don't work this afternoon! So instead of a 3 day weekend, i get 3 and 1/2 day weekend! That is, ofc, considering i can finish this work by lunch time... watching, moaning,
-WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT U STUPID PIECE OF PAPER? Just start copying yourself to excell, chop chop, no time to lose!
And as it should be expected, no action from the stupid paper. I guess i'll just have to do it myself! Nothing can do anything without me in this desk, useless bunch of crap...
Anyway, looks like i'm going home earlyer this weekend!

And the Hippies killed Kaeld'thas Sunstrider:

The FR was kinda usefull after all, i was getting like 500 dmg per hit from the phoenixes fire thingie, cheesecake to heal, one 170FR unbuffed phoenix tank is enough, and i still tanked the engineer guy and a bunch of weapons. Only like 2 deaths or something, was fun. I'm MH attuned now, and as i traded BS for JC a few days ago, and i'm already 375, I can do the epixxxxx! Yey to the Hippies!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Post

Yeah, everything was supposed to be allright, wasn't it, sure it was, untill they start asking for FR gear, FR gear? wtf? No one told me i needed FR gear... and there i went, in a FR gear search, then i got it, i got enough FR gear to solo Ragnaros, and then i went for lunch, but the damned restaurant is full, so i camed back, to do some stuff. I'm kinda out of ideas so i start writting on the blog, but what am i going to write about? Meh, about something. The worst thing is that i have a work to finish untill thursday morning, but it's out in the field, but is rainning like hell, but i need to finish it, but i don't want to get wet, but i want to play WoW, but i really need to finish it, but i still don't know what to do, but i am hungry, maybe that's why i'm so bored these days, i'm hungry, and the restaurant is full, and no foruns have unread marked threads, am i such a big forum troll? I read everything? That's probably because i'm allways so bored. This is boring. I feel like i'm allways doing something that someone else did, and that's boring, they come to talk to me while i'm playing, and that's boring, they come to tell me i have to go work in the rain, that's boring, and will ruin the equipment, so what will i do? I'll just keep getting bored untill i can do something nice, like, something, non boring? I'm hungry, gona check if the restaurant is empty yet. To much people makes me bored.

Monday, March 17, 2008

ZA Cleared! (about time)

Ha well. After so many tries at Hex Lord, we finnally got him down. The guy is simple if you have a well capable and determined group. We 1 shoted everything, and killed Malacrass on the 4th go. Well done hippies.

Yeah i know, i'm doing this image thingie now. Gets a kewl look for the realm forum doesnt it? Anyway, after this troll down we wanted to check Zul'Jin out, so we went to his platform. We wiped twice, (once with 1/2 the raid locked outside) and let him at 48% for the next day. The next day however, wasn't as easy as it would be expected, so we wiped over and over again, this time we had to leave him at 2%. Was a bit frustrating. But on sunday we charged again, and with a well builded group, he just went down on the 1st try.

And that's it, this instance is finally cleared by the hippies. Took us a while, but we eventualy did it. Now we can focus entirely on Kael.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ayreon - 01011001

And finnally my CD arrived! That was a 1 month journey around the world, and when it arrived i wasn't sure if i wanted to open it! Couldn't get the DVD elsewhere so i did. Let me tell you that, the Ayreon feeling is allways good, but this one really went to far. I mean, this album really makes me dream, i feel like floating in space.

It's called 01011001 because is binary for 89, and 89 is ASCII code for "Y". Ayreon fans certainly know that "Y" is the planet where the "Forever" live in. So the album is divided between "Y", where we find the Forever loosing all their emotions and sending a comet with their DNA, to recreate their race, and the "Earth", where the experience takes place, having a bit different result than expected.

Can't describe much more, you realy need to listen to it if you want to have a good idea of what i am talking about!

Big names like Somone Simons (Epica) or Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) and Jonas Renkse (Katatonia). As allways, Arjen Lucassen gave his best, and finger picked his artists from the current metal scene top performers, resulting in a fantastic production. Keep it up Arjen! Love your work!


Disc I [Y]
01. Age Of Shadows
02. Comatose
03. Liquid Eternity
04. Connect The Dots
05. Beneath The Waves
06. Newborn Race
07. Ride The Comet
08. Web Of Lies

Disc II [Earth]
01. The Fifth Extinction
02. Waking Dreams
03. The Truth Is In Here
04. Unnatural Selection
05. River Of Time
06. E=MC2
07. The Sixth Extinction

Line Up:

Vocals -
Hansi Kursch
Daniel Gildenlow
Thomas Englund
Jonas Renkse
Jorn Lande
Anneke van Giersbergen
Steve Lee
Bob Catley
Floor Jansen
Magali Luyten

Simone Simons
Phideaux Xavier
Marjan Welman
Liselotte Hegt
Arjen Anthony Lucassen
Ty Tabor

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fathom-Lord Karathress

I now tanked all the mobs in this fight! He is quite easy, doesnt hit very high. just get a nice avoidance gear and is fine. On this day the hippies have cleared 5/6 SSC in 3h30. Was a great record for us, since it leaves the rest of the week for Kael and Vashj. Looking forward to MTank lurker and Morogrim now =P.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Lady Vashj rest with her fish friends

After all the changes and /gquit's, we finnally went back to Vashj tries, and at our first night back (after maybe 3 months stuck at her), She died on the 8th try, killed by the 2 paladins still standing. Was a good Night for the THH, looks like we are back on track. Tonight it's TK cleaning, so we can try Kael tomorrow. And then, Hyjal here we come!Yeah, i know... T5 looks Gay...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Frisbeeing a Blind Man!

As we re-climb our way up to Vashj, after some of our key members left, we face some changes at some stages. Beeing one of them, ME tanking Leo! Nice fun fight, need to time the frisbeeing a bit so we don't get caught in the WW with it on CD, otherwise is just tank and spank! No problems at all! The bastard was dead after like something like six tries. We were having a small problem with our Warlock's hp. No Soul link lock might make the thing a bit harder.

Monday, February 18, 2008

30 Seconds to love Portugal

And is over. The 30 Seconds to Mars tour in Europe ended in Lisbon (Coliseu dos Recreios) with a great performance. Jared Leto, didn't needed to, but he still decided to use his charisma trying to make everyone in the room to fell in love with the band. Spending 50% of the concert telling how much they love Portugal, and how they fell this is a "special place" since they stepped out of the airplane. The concert started on a nice and simple way, with a white curtain letting only some shades go trough. Some of the most waited songs like "From Yesterday" where just taken out of the way at start, and the concert just went on with a nice energy flow. Somewhere after "Attack" the band decided to disappear from the stage, just so Jared could show up solo on the VIP seat area, flirting with the audience, and singing 3 songs in acoustic version. Finishing this trio with "A Modern Myth" and going back to the main stage to immediately unleash "Hunter" a Björk original. All in all, the pleased expression on all my friends face, and the artists the performance, just made me to admire "30 Seconds to Mars" in a way close to my favorite bands, it was a concert well worthy of this great paladin presence.

"30 Seconds to Mars" - The Kill (Live at Coliseu dos Recreios)

Line up:
The Battle of One
From Yesterday
Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
The Story
A Beautiful Lie
The Kill

Jared Leto acoustic:
Was It A Dream?
A Modern Myth

Back on main stage:
Buddha For Mary
The Fantasy

Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to the killing!

After the last week developments, that i didn't posted here because i am a slackarse, (something to do with 3 healers leaving, including the GM and stuff), THH managed to get down 3/4 TK once more, lots of happiness and loads of dkp spent. To me, it was the first time i killed any of the bhosses inside TK, as it was to many of the THH members, since many members from our raid force consist in new ppl. Ala'r was down on the 2nd go, smoothly,

after the big bird, we went down the halls of Tempest Keep, and for the first time i have seen the Shoulder master! Yes, it was Void walker, right in front of me! About time! I can't even remember for how long we skipped TK, and i never understood why, but i am glad that we are back on track, and back on Killing, the big robbot died right on the 1st try, silence on TS was golden!

These 2 where not the only ones to die on this sunday. After we get Voidy down, we went to visit the mage warlock wannabe, There was this big BOOM on the 1st go, but as soon as we all got SolarianAlarm, this is a mod, we went for the 2nd go and... ooo... he died as well. SolarianAlarm is evil, if u get the debuff, ur screen just turn blue, impossible to miss. So, this was a very nice night for the hippies, we got all 3 bosses down again after a few months, and they were 1st kills for like 50% of the raid, or maybe more. Go Hippies!

In other news, with no priests, we went Karazhan in the afternoon, and unfortunately, i forgot to take a picture sooner, but i still remembered to take a pic

That is me AoE tanking all Moroes adds... Funniest Kara i had in ages.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dwarf army!

Yeah... I was checking warhammer online the other day, and ended up falling to the obvious, they are not building a good Warhammer game... so, if u are a fan of the little armies and stuff, just keep hugging your miniatures, and banging with the sexy cannons, because "Warhammer: mark of Chaos" is not getting a decent follow up, so if you are a Dwarf fan, Dark Elf, or even a Wood Elf or something worst, just keep on dreaming... cause it doesn't look like we are getting any. But i did found something that i enjoyed, i don't know where i will get the time for it but i think i am actually going to build a dwarf army! Didn't took long before i Fell inlove with the ironbreakers, and the nakid Slayers! So many options! These is a ranger!

So insanely good! I think i'm gona realize soon enough that painting this little toys is gona ruin my fun, just because i probably can't paint, but they are so damn cool! I am just cheking some foruns and the official site atm, but as soon as i get a chance im gona hit the store! If my girlfriend allow me to ofc... Think she's pretty mad about WoW already!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Hydross tanking!

Tanking Hydross was a nice experience, it's really simple, like an upgraded version from Bear Boss in ZA, just need a full NR gear. Was fun to see that 1-3 adds immediately aggro me because of my consecration, that make the fight slightly smoother. For 2 times i tought i had actually messed up cause i seen hydross turning around or going in someone else direction, but the SoV stacks and the Consecration was enough to get her steady, was just tombing ppl. I was actually tombed once, just before the change, but i luckily had droped a Cons so it went well. Can't understand if he tombs the tank, or not. Anyway, was a simple job, is hard to think that it takes so long to get him down the 1st times...
NR gear looks like crap btw...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Fathom-Guard Sharkkis

Hehe, tanked the hunter last time, now i Just need to tank Kara, and i have tanked every mob in that encounter. After this we went for Gruul, and it was about time my shoulders drop. I am at 16.2k hp unbuffed now.
Vashj got left to Sunday night tries, and as i can't be there, she will probably die. I completed my NR set today, since our MT left the guild, now i'm gona tank Hydross Nature phase. 297 NR with 12.7hp and uncritable, about 400 spell dmg. looks nice. Lets see if i die over and over again next week.If Vashj wont die Sunday, She will die monday, or tuesday, but she will die this week.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1 more to the count!

Well, is not a big deal or anything, but is a new accomplishment. The day before i had been spanked by that ugly shammy, i had no grounding totem, wich made things harder, and had some unlucky strings and that kinda stuff that happens on a rly bad day. Eating frost shocks aint pleasent at all i tell you. But the next day we went back, and i had a shammy! Sooooo grounding totem = smoothness. Kara went down like pie. Ofc that we are still far away from our desired dps, i mean, killing Leo with 2 secs left for enrage is not rly the ideal dps to kill Vashj, but we are on the right track. It's not some inside problems that will stop us now that 70% of the guild have seen Vashj fight. I scored 2 cores yesterday btw! Standing right next to the generators when there are no nagas is a good thing!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

1% ? WTF?

Yesterday, we raided TK, we weren't raiding TK since October or something, so it went rly rly rly bad... I got to tank Al'ar on Phase1, and the pweety adds on phase2. I even tanked Al'ar on phase 2 when our MT died. Was a nice relaxing raid. Pain that he didn't died.

And as the pain grew, the trash kept spawning, so we left defeated when reaching the raid end time. But as brave souls, we moved to Gruul, with the objective of killing him in 30 mins! After everyone beeing on the char they wanted, we charged! And so maulgar was quikly 1 shotted, and as usual, no T4 shoulders for Paladin... so i have to use my "Splauders of the Righteous" for some more time... then we moved to Gruul, the big bastard, and as someone tried to fool me into healing, i went MTing!

This is close to what it looks like to tank Gruul... the guy is big... really big, like, 1 of his toe nails i bigger than me. Anyway, he managed to kill me when we had him at 1%. WTF? How come at Growl 12, with 20k hp, shitloads of avoidance, block and armor, i die at 1%??? I have a date with Gruul now, revenge will be sweet, very sweet.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I didn't knew that WoW had so many colors, i mean, i knew it was a kewl game, but i tought my only problem with it was the fps! Untill i bought this:

This is when u say: "Kewl chest, what u hev under the hood?"

Then i answer:

Motherboard 775 ASROCK ConRoe1333-eSATA2

Processor INTEL Core 2 Duo E6750 4MB socket 775 regua

Hard Drive Maxtor 250GB 7200rpm SATAII

2x Kingston DDR2-667 1Gb

Graphics Card NVIDIA 8500GT - 512Mb DDR2 128bit PCIe

And then i fully install it (Hard Drive is running as IDE untill i feel like reinstalling the whole system). And then i almost cry for playing WoW without this kind of Quality for almost 3 years. But u know what they say, better late than never. I will however do the real testing tonight, in SSC. Wont be Morogrim fight unfortunatelly, would like to see all those Murlocs, but will be Kara fight i believe, and with more than 3-7 fps... I'm gona faint due to so many Quality in this machine, i know is not like, the ultimate weapon or anything, but it's a rly huge upgrade for me. Now, just the testing left !

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Easy as Pie!

Last night we went on a farm raid, full of alts and stuff. And so, as a good farm raid, i wanted to trie new stuff like:

This was actually pretty fun, between not finding a way of keeping myself in the same place, and trying to take the screenie, just kept spamming aggro. I actually tought the guy hitted harder, but then i noticed, he is all evil and stuff, but his hammer is soooo tiny... Thats why he can't do real dmg... Not even close to :

This dude hits like 2 trucks! 10k cleaves, that i hev noticed, thats 1/2 my hp in 1 go! And i believe to be very well geared for this. That stun at 30% i got to 30% hp as well, nice to hev LoH rdy! Anyway, in healers i trust! Yeah, they know what they are doing, so is just a matter of tank and spank. I was lucky, never got one of her cave ins, so i didn't even need to move her. Just having LoH rdy at 30% did the trick. hardes part was to get a Screenie, Maggy is so big, that i'm kinda hard to see there!

Plenty of excitement for 1 night there! I waited soooo much time for these 2 fights! Next objective: Gruul ! I'm gona end up tanking him no matter what! I want a screenie with him on Growl 12 beeing tanked by a d0rf !

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why we need 2 tanks for Halazzi?

This is why:
yeah, 18k hit. damn i would like to hit like that. Dragonhawk went down again btw, and i got some new healing shoulders wich allowed me to spend more money in the damned enchant. Pfff... wtb excitement.

Monday, January 7, 2008

In fact, a Legend...

Well, i think it's worth to make a note about one of the finnest movies i have seen in a long time, Will Smith great performance of a complete social disfuctioned man, with the company of a nice dog. Hunting in the middle of NY seems like a kick arse idea, especially if u hev a hunting focused car like he do... ofc is not very stealthy, but i wouldn't mind about that. The thing is, when the night arrives. At start we can't rly understand whats going on, but suddently i can see myself involved in a "Resident Evil" beside movie, like they used to do on the games, just this guy can actually find a cure for the Zombies. I think many many zombie fan's would be very disapointed at him... Cure for Zombie = Shotgun, everyone know that, not some freaky medicine. Anyway, apart from beeing 3 years without company and not having sex with the first woman he finds (yeas, i find this strange), and having the cure for the disease, but choosing not to heal the dog (he needs a beating for that), this movie is one of the best things i have seen since "The 300". The idea of a decimated world due to human stupidity is so beautifull that is enough to make me happy.
It's a nice way to spend some time, if u were waiting for a good movie to get back to the big screen, this is the one!


Everyone needs to sacrifice for a greater good now and then right? So i think this was my turn, specced healing to gank Vashj on the THH 1st real try. Leo only need 1 tank, and well, better to make a few tries at Vashj than make the raid unviable. Vashj phase 2 is a crap tho... and i haven't reached 3 yet, but i suppose will be fucked.

Report isn't up yet, but i prob did some nice healing! Also, Leo fight was actually loads of fun! I standed in middle ground for loads of time! Just using Bubble and BoP and stuff. Imp BoP ftw. Saving ppl every 3 mins is actually pretty nice. Ha well, i wonder when i will be allowed to tank Leo... guess crit/crush immune while sitting in 15.5k hp unbuffed and 400SP aren't enough... WTB MH!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Blah Blah Balah dead...

Blah Blah Blah u can't tank it, blah blah blah she silences, blah blah blah again, blah blah blah she's dead... and not that hard tbh... is just a matter of spamming the right buttons...
And this is probly my last Karazhan post, unless Moroes drop a legendary or something, since i tanked everything in there. I still need the neck and the ring tho, but i dont mind walking around with crap badger epixx, they will have to do for now. If the items i need would drop for me i would get like 16k hp unbuffed, while crit and crush immune... Blizz wouldn't want that, I almost, almost got Morogrim ring last SSC, but Sven hed more points than me. Would be a crap if i would hev won it anyway, since i didn't rly undestood why i got picked for the run, they just left me out on every single boss fight, well... except Morogrim, Murlocs are a bit hard to tank with like 5fps, but i managed, when i get my new computer those fights will be the bomb! Lets see if i can gatter a good ZA team for tonight and hev some fun.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Ha well, nothing better than starting the new year arriving late to a raid, so i missed SSC. Still, i have some shots to post of my first Full Kara MTing. Finnally Prince died under my shield, and Netherspite got a visit as well, fun fights, Still, SSC tonight, FINNALLY! Was in need of a real raid...

My new year party wasn't that fun afterall, should hev tried somethin different this year, But my GF gave me "Thargas Anvilmar" action figure for Xmas! Rly rly kewl, it's a warrior, but well, i think i can manage as long as he keep beeing a d0rf!