Monday, March 31, 2008

2.4 Wonders!

2.4 camed out like 1 week ago, yeap, looks almost like a new Xpac! New areas, new instances, new quests, and a bunch of idiot ppl asking everything on general Chat! U ever eard about internet? U ever eard about Google? U ever eard about suicide? I mean, every single minute, every day, since 2.4 arrived, general chats are constantly spammed with questions like, "How do i get to the new area?" or "Where is the new instance?". I have my own game to play you idiot, just hire someone to play for you. I can explain how idiot this can be:

- [I'm Lazy]:How do i get to the Hellfire peninsula quest giver?
- [Turinbar]: Ever eard of flight paths?

Stupid questions require stupid answers. But this one, wont consider himself beaten, ho no... 3 mins l8r i get a pm:

- [I'm Lazy]: You must be dull! the correct answer was the Portal!
- [Turinbar]: Well, then try it that way, and tell me how u did it afterwards.

Then, I had to play the stupid, ofc, i wouldnt't stop here, i had to explain him how idiot he realy was, so i did a /who and notices he was still in the island.

- [Turinbar]: So? You haven't took the portal yet? Is right over there, you must be dull!
- [I'm Lazy]: You are obviously an immature person, so have a nice day.
- [Turinbar]: By that you mean that i was obviously right?
You are beeing Ignored by I'm Lazy

I usually try to show people that they are damn idiots on more simple stupid questions, like:

- [Idiot 1]: Where is the new badge vendor?
- [Turinbar]: In Tanaris.

- [Idiot 2]: Can we buy gems for badges yet?
- [Turinbar] Yes, in Tanaris.

- [Idiot 3]: How do i get trough the new area?
- [Turinbar]: Trough Tanaris.

Maybe they will actually go to Tanaris, theres no trade channel in Tanaris, maybe i get 1 min of rest while in a major city, maybe they all log out while getting to Tanaris, maybe they learn how to use google when they see theres noone selling badge gear in Tanaris. Yeah. Maybe Santa is real.
And yeah, the Hippies are on the move again.

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