Monday, March 31, 2008

2.4 Wonders!

2.4 camed out like 1 week ago, yeap, looks almost like a new Xpac! New areas, new instances, new quests, and a bunch of idiot ppl asking everything on general Chat! U ever eard about internet? U ever eard about Google? U ever eard about suicide? I mean, every single minute, every day, since 2.4 arrived, general chats are constantly spammed with questions like, "How do i get to the new area?" or "Where is the new instance?". I have my own game to play you idiot, just hire someone to play for you. I can explain how idiot this can be:

- [I'm Lazy]:How do i get to the Hellfire peninsula quest giver?
- [Turinbar]: Ever eard of flight paths?

Stupid questions require stupid answers. But this one, wont consider himself beaten, ho no... 3 mins l8r i get a pm:

- [I'm Lazy]: You must be dull! the correct answer was the Portal!
- [Turinbar]: Well, then try it that way, and tell me how u did it afterwards.

Then, I had to play the stupid, ofc, i wouldnt't stop here, i had to explain him how idiot he realy was, so i did a /who and notices he was still in the island.

- [Turinbar]: So? You haven't took the portal yet? Is right over there, you must be dull!
- [I'm Lazy]: You are obviously an immature person, so have a nice day.
- [Turinbar]: By that you mean that i was obviously right?
You are beeing Ignored by I'm Lazy

I usually try to show people that they are damn idiots on more simple stupid questions, like:

- [Idiot 1]: Where is the new badge vendor?
- [Turinbar]: In Tanaris.

- [Idiot 2]: Can we buy gems for badges yet?
- [Turinbar] Yes, in Tanaris.

- [Idiot 3]: How do i get trough the new area?
- [Turinbar]: Trough Tanaris.

Maybe they will actually go to Tanaris, theres no trade channel in Tanaris, maybe i get 1 min of rest while in a major city, maybe they all log out while getting to Tanaris, maybe they learn how to use google when they see theres noone selling badge gear in Tanaris. Yeah. Maybe Santa is real.
And yeah, the Hippies are on the move again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yeah well...

Although we attuned the old school way, we could only go MH yesterday cause of many ppl "not feeling like" doing a proper attunement...

First MH loot was Hammer of Judgement, to me. The we killed this asshole and took anetheron to 70%. He should have died, but ho well.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunny Day

Yesterday was a very sunny day! So there i went! Picked up my orange suitcase (the one that holds my pentax inside), and off to the field! I did the work as fast as i could so i got back running for my forums and stuff that noone rly cares about, and what do i understand today? That i'm gona have to work all the f***ing morning because of this crap. So ofc, i start by slacking, watching the forums, check my AH sales, stuff like that and the work stays there, over the table, 15cm at the side of my left hand, watching, waiting, moaning, looking around, playing with the water cup, wondering why is there a pencil in my desk if i never use it. Good thing is, public workers don't work this afternoon! So instead of a 3 day weekend, i get 3 and 1/2 day weekend! That is, ofc, considering i can finish this work by lunch time... watching, moaning,
-WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT U STUPID PIECE OF PAPER? Just start copying yourself to excell, chop chop, no time to lose!
And as it should be expected, no action from the stupid paper. I guess i'll just have to do it myself! Nothing can do anything without me in this desk, useless bunch of crap...
Anyway, looks like i'm going home earlyer this weekend!

And the Hippies killed Kaeld'thas Sunstrider:

The FR was kinda usefull after all, i was getting like 500 dmg per hit from the phoenixes fire thingie, cheesecake to heal, one 170FR unbuffed phoenix tank is enough, and i still tanked the engineer guy and a bunch of weapons. Only like 2 deaths or something, was fun. I'm MH attuned now, and as i traded BS for JC a few days ago, and i'm already 375, I can do the epixxxxx! Yey to the Hippies!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Post

Yeah, everything was supposed to be allright, wasn't it, sure it was, untill they start asking for FR gear, FR gear? wtf? No one told me i needed FR gear... and there i went, in a FR gear search, then i got it, i got enough FR gear to solo Ragnaros, and then i went for lunch, but the damned restaurant is full, so i camed back, to do some stuff. I'm kinda out of ideas so i start writting on the blog, but what am i going to write about? Meh, about something. The worst thing is that i have a work to finish untill thursday morning, but it's out in the field, but is rainning like hell, but i need to finish it, but i don't want to get wet, but i want to play WoW, but i really need to finish it, but i still don't know what to do, but i am hungry, maybe that's why i'm so bored these days, i'm hungry, and the restaurant is full, and no foruns have unread marked threads, am i such a big forum troll? I read everything? That's probably because i'm allways so bored. This is boring. I feel like i'm allways doing something that someone else did, and that's boring, they come to talk to me while i'm playing, and that's boring, they come to tell me i have to go work in the rain, that's boring, and will ruin the equipment, so what will i do? I'll just keep getting bored untill i can do something nice, like, something, non boring? I'm hungry, gona check if the restaurant is empty yet. To much people makes me bored.

Monday, March 17, 2008

ZA Cleared! (about time)

Ha well. After so many tries at Hex Lord, we finnally got him down. The guy is simple if you have a well capable and determined group. We 1 shoted everything, and killed Malacrass on the 4th go. Well done hippies.

Yeah i know, i'm doing this image thingie now. Gets a kewl look for the realm forum doesnt it? Anyway, after this troll down we wanted to check Zul'Jin out, so we went to his platform. We wiped twice, (once with 1/2 the raid locked outside) and let him at 48% for the next day. The next day however, wasn't as easy as it would be expected, so we wiped over and over again, this time we had to leave him at 2%. Was a bit frustrating. But on sunday we charged again, and with a well builded group, he just went down on the 1st try.

And that's it, this instance is finally cleared by the hippies. Took us a while, but we eventualy did it. Now we can focus entirely on Kael.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ayreon - 01011001

And finnally my CD arrived! That was a 1 month journey around the world, and when it arrived i wasn't sure if i wanted to open it! Couldn't get the DVD elsewhere so i did. Let me tell you that, the Ayreon feeling is allways good, but this one really went to far. I mean, this album really makes me dream, i feel like floating in space.

It's called 01011001 because is binary for 89, and 89 is ASCII code for "Y". Ayreon fans certainly know that "Y" is the planet where the "Forever" live in. So the album is divided between "Y", where we find the Forever loosing all their emotions and sending a comet with their DNA, to recreate their race, and the "Earth", where the experience takes place, having a bit different result than expected.

Can't describe much more, you realy need to listen to it if you want to have a good idea of what i am talking about!

Big names like Somone Simons (Epica) or Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) and Jonas Renkse (Katatonia). As allways, Arjen Lucassen gave his best, and finger picked his artists from the current metal scene top performers, resulting in a fantastic production. Keep it up Arjen! Love your work!


Disc I [Y]
01. Age Of Shadows
02. Comatose
03. Liquid Eternity
04. Connect The Dots
05. Beneath The Waves
06. Newborn Race
07. Ride The Comet
08. Web Of Lies

Disc II [Earth]
01. The Fifth Extinction
02. Waking Dreams
03. The Truth Is In Here
04. Unnatural Selection
05. River Of Time
06. E=MC2
07. The Sixth Extinction

Line Up:

Vocals -
Hansi Kursch
Daniel Gildenlow
Thomas Englund
Jonas Renkse
Jorn Lande
Anneke van Giersbergen
Steve Lee
Bob Catley
Floor Jansen
Magali Luyten

Simone Simons
Phideaux Xavier
Marjan Welman
Liselotte Hegt
Arjen Anthony Lucassen
Ty Tabor

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fathom-Lord Karathress

I now tanked all the mobs in this fight! He is quite easy, doesnt hit very high. just get a nice avoidance gear and is fine. On this day the hippies have cleared 5/6 SSC in 3h30. Was a great record for us, since it leaves the rest of the week for Kael and Vashj. Looking forward to MTank lurker and Morogrim now =P.