Monday, February 25, 2008

Lady Vashj rest with her fish friends

After all the changes and /gquit's, we finnally went back to Vashj tries, and at our first night back (after maybe 3 months stuck at her), She died on the 8th try, killed by the 2 paladins still standing. Was a good Night for the THH, looks like we are back on track. Tonight it's TK cleaning, so we can try Kael tomorrow. And then, Hyjal here we come!Yeah, i know... T5 looks Gay...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Frisbeeing a Blind Man!

As we re-climb our way up to Vashj, after some of our key members left, we face some changes at some stages. Beeing one of them, ME tanking Leo! Nice fun fight, need to time the frisbeeing a bit so we don't get caught in the WW with it on CD, otherwise is just tank and spank! No problems at all! The bastard was dead after like something like six tries. We were having a small problem with our Warlock's hp. No Soul link lock might make the thing a bit harder.

Monday, February 18, 2008

30 Seconds to love Portugal

And is over. The 30 Seconds to Mars tour in Europe ended in Lisbon (Coliseu dos Recreios) with a great performance. Jared Leto, didn't needed to, but he still decided to use his charisma trying to make everyone in the room to fell in love with the band. Spending 50% of the concert telling how much they love Portugal, and how they fell this is a "special place" since they stepped out of the airplane. The concert started on a nice and simple way, with a white curtain letting only some shades go trough. Some of the most waited songs like "From Yesterday" where just taken out of the way at start, and the concert just went on with a nice energy flow. Somewhere after "Attack" the band decided to disappear from the stage, just so Jared could show up solo on the VIP seat area, flirting with the audience, and singing 3 songs in acoustic version. Finishing this trio with "A Modern Myth" and going back to the main stage to immediately unleash "Hunter" a Björk original. All in all, the pleased expression on all my friends face, and the artists the performance, just made me to admire "30 Seconds to Mars" in a way close to my favorite bands, it was a concert well worthy of this great paladin presence.

"30 Seconds to Mars" - The Kill (Live at Coliseu dos Recreios)

Line up:
The Battle of One
From Yesterday
Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
The Story
A Beautiful Lie
The Kill

Jared Leto acoustic:
Was It A Dream?
A Modern Myth

Back on main stage:
Buddha For Mary
The Fantasy

Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to the killing!

After the last week developments, that i didn't posted here because i am a slackarse, (something to do with 3 healers leaving, including the GM and stuff), THH managed to get down 3/4 TK once more, lots of happiness and loads of dkp spent. To me, it was the first time i killed any of the bhosses inside TK, as it was to many of the THH members, since many members from our raid force consist in new ppl. Ala'r was down on the 2nd go, smoothly,

after the big bird, we went down the halls of Tempest Keep, and for the first time i have seen the Shoulder master! Yes, it was Void walker, right in front of me! About time! I can't even remember for how long we skipped TK, and i never understood why, but i am glad that we are back on track, and back on Killing, the big robbot died right on the 1st try, silence on TS was golden!

These 2 where not the only ones to die on this sunday. After we get Voidy down, we went to visit the mage warlock wannabe, There was this big BOOM on the 1st go, but as soon as we all got SolarianAlarm, this is a mod, we went for the 2nd go and... ooo... he died as well. SolarianAlarm is evil, if u get the debuff, ur screen just turn blue, impossible to miss. So, this was a very nice night for the hippies, we got all 3 bosses down again after a few months, and they were 1st kills for like 50% of the raid, or maybe more. Go Hippies!

In other news, with no priests, we went Karazhan in the afternoon, and unfortunately, i forgot to take a picture sooner, but i still remembered to take a pic

That is me AoE tanking all Moroes adds... Funniest Kara i had in ages.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dwarf army!

Yeah... I was checking warhammer online the other day, and ended up falling to the obvious, they are not building a good Warhammer game... so, if u are a fan of the little armies and stuff, just keep hugging your miniatures, and banging with the sexy cannons, because "Warhammer: mark of Chaos" is not getting a decent follow up, so if you are a Dwarf fan, Dark Elf, or even a Wood Elf or something worst, just keep on dreaming... cause it doesn't look like we are getting any. But i did found something that i enjoyed, i don't know where i will get the time for it but i think i am actually going to build a dwarf army! Didn't took long before i Fell inlove with the ironbreakers, and the nakid Slayers! So many options! These is a ranger!

So insanely good! I think i'm gona realize soon enough that painting this little toys is gona ruin my fun, just because i probably can't paint, but they are so damn cool! I am just cheking some foruns and the official site atm, but as soon as i get a chance im gona hit the store! If my girlfriend allow me to ofc... Think she's pretty mad about WoW already!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Hydross tanking!

Tanking Hydross was a nice experience, it's really simple, like an upgraded version from Bear Boss in ZA, just need a full NR gear. Was fun to see that 1-3 adds immediately aggro me because of my consecration, that make the fight slightly smoother. For 2 times i tought i had actually messed up cause i seen hydross turning around or going in someone else direction, but the SoV stacks and the Consecration was enough to get her steady, was just tombing ppl. I was actually tombed once, just before the change, but i luckily had droped a Cons so it went well. Can't understand if he tombs the tank, or not. Anyway, was a simple job, is hard to think that it takes so long to get him down the 1st times...
NR gear looks like crap btw...